BitTorrent Router

Since I was talking about energy efficient downloading, I found right now that Asus has a product. The product is called 'ASUS WL-700GE WIRELESS STORAGE ROUTER'. Other than being a wireless router, it has a 160GB hard disk and a GUI through a web browser where you can make it download files using torrents or regular http (or ftp) while your PC is off. Says it consumes only 15W when downloading. You can buy it from ebay (from here) for approximately $176.
Seems it's not the most popular product. This review tells that it's not very stable. It says if you try to pause torrents they get lost and download speeds aren't great. The same reveiw says it doesn't completely replace the PC when it comes to torrent downloading.
I hope something bettter will come in future.
I also have a few suggestions if some one who's going to develop this by any chance reads this blog ;)
  • Have a capacity of around 16-32 GB of flash memory. They consume less power and it will reduce the price of the gadget. For massive downloaders let their be a connection for an external HDD
  • As the torrent download manager on the device use utorrent
  • There's no need for a router. Just make it connect with the router you already have through LAN and let the device be accessible throught the web browser to manage torrents etc.
  • have a small LCD display to show progress, start, stop pause etc. (some basic functions)
I really think this could save the world a lot of energy.

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